What is this? Ancient questions for modern minds
by Martine and Stephen Batchelor
Sundays from 16 February 2025 on Zoom
PLUS a Q&A session with Martine Batchelor after the final session (TBC)
A series of talks given by Martine and Stephen Batchelor during a Sŏn (Chan/Zen) retreat in England, What is this? leads us through the practice of radical questioning at the heart of this Korean Buddhist tradition, showing how anyone at all can benefit from this form of radical inquiry today.
Stephen and Martine show how a practice with its origins in China 1000 years ago can meld with insights from the natural sciences, classical and modern western philosophy, Romantic poetry, and early Buddhism.
This reading group will discuss one chapter each week on Zoom for 14 weeks.
Session start times in a range of time zones
- Western Australia & Bali 7am
- Japan & Korea 8am
- South Australia 9.30am
- New South Wales & Queensland 10am
- Aotearoa New Zealand 12 noon
- Hawaii 1pm HST
- US/Canada west coast 3pm PDT
- US/Canada east coast 6pm EDT
As with many book reading groups, this one will determine how to share the facilitation process among participants during its first session.
While there is no fixed fee to take part, to confirm your place in the group we ask that you send USD $40 by PayPal to generosity@tuwhiri.nz. This will be returned to you on 24 February 2025, after the second session. At the end of the course, dana will be collected for the authors.
When you register you will be sent a code to get 10% off What is this? Ancient questions for modern minds in our online store.
To download the free Guide for reading group and individual study click here.
To take part
For more info and to reserve your place send us an email.