Submitting your manuscript
Tuwhiri publishes books on early Buddhism, its retrieval, and a secular adaptation to 21st century conditions, as well as thought-provoking books that are not obviously dharma books but which serve the ethic of care that is central to the dharma. We do not publish fiction, plays or short stories.
Since 2018, Tuwhiri has published eight books, helped Secular Buddhist Network create an online course, and supported authors and publishers in Aotearoa New Zealand, Australia, France, Germany, Thailand, the UK and the USA.
Photo by Matt Artz on Unsplash
If you have written a manuscript, or you’re thinking of writing a book that you believe Tuwhiri would be interested in publishing, we’d like to hear from you. To get the ball rolling, send us an email that includes:
- an overview – a description of the book, why it’s compelling, and why it will be of interest to all its readers; just one page please
- the reasons that you would like to see your book published by Tuwhiri
- a proposed title, and (if any) a subtitle
- a table of contents
- whether all the contents is completely original, and, if not, which parts had reviously been published elsewhere, and when
- whether this proposed book builds on previous work you’ve published, or not
- whether the book will be exploring a new, unexplored area
- the total word count, or an estimate of the word count when complete
- a chapter outline, with a one- or two-sentence summary of each chapter
- the date you expect the manuscript to be ready, if it’s incomplete at present
- a sample chapter – we’d like to see an example of your writing, and get an idea of how the book is organised
- a short biography – tell us why you’re the best person to write this book
- whether you intend your proposed book will have images, and if so how many, as well as whether they would would be in colour or greyscale – send us one or two of these images
- An acknowledgement that you may asked to create an index at proof stage
Please send us an email. Include your postal address and a mobile number. Files can be in these formats: .pages or .docx (text), and .jpg (images).
If we decide your proposal is of interest, we will respond. However, we do not guarantee to respond to every submission we receive. Please allow us two months to consider your proposal.
Note please that we prefer to work with authors directly, and that most Tuwhiri books are published with a Creative Commons license.
Thank you for considering Tuwhiri as the publisher of your book.
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