About Tuwhiri

With a presence in New York, Wellington, Sydney and the UK Midlands, Tuwhiri publishes books on early Buddhism, its retrieval, and a secular adaptation to 21st century conditions. We also make available thought-provoking books that are not obviously dharma books, but which serve the ethic of care that is central to the dharma.


※ Why Tuwhiri?

The Tuwhiri Project emerged with the development of a secular Buddhism, a trend in contemporary western Buddhism which highlights the fundamental ethic of the teachings of Gotama, the historical Buddha – care – in all its aspects. Secularity calls on us to express this ethic of care in ways that are appropriate to our time and current predicaments.

Looking for a name for an imprint that would express what we stood for as secular Buddhist practitioners in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand, Tuwhiri’s founders adopted a word in te reo Māori: tuwhiri. In so doing, we acknowledge and show respect for tangata whenua, the indigenous people of Aotearoa.

Tuwhiri - Finding meaning in a difficult world

The idea that we set up and name ourselves The Tuwhiri Project was discussed within and beyond the small communities of secular Buddhists in Aotearoa and Australia. The word tuwhiri, we felt, describes well how we found ourselves when we came up against the ancestral forms of Buddhism. The notion of revealing, of making known, a means of discovering something lost or hidden matched how we felt about what we discovered on examining long-established Buddhist teachings with fresh eyes.

For more on this please read The whakapapa of the whakaaro that led to naming ourselves Tuwhiri.


※ Looking to the future

In the face of humanity-induced catastrophes – not least today’s climate emergency – and with intensifying inequality and social injustices, humanity owes a special duty of care to future generations to overcome them, and to leave our successors with a safer, fairer world in which they may thrive.

We believe that we need to express our care for coming generations in many ways, from changing our own personal lifestyles, through accounting for our history, to choosing political representatives who advance cogent, long-sighted policies in aid of a better world.

little bird on the ground

At the same time we are participants in movements that address key social challenges, such as the changing climate and other ecological and medical emergencies that are putting the future of our species and so many others at risk, as well as the unrelenting corporate greed that resulted in the current breakneck increase in economic inequality and concentrations of wealth which are generating conflict.


※ Legal information

Tuwhiri consists of two entities:

The Tuwhiri Project Ltd
Wholly owned by Aotearoa Buddhist Education Trust Inc.
Registered in Aotearoa New Zealand
Company No. 6781453 ❖ NZBN 9429046681591
Registered office ❖ 13 Leith Street, Gisborne, Aotearoa New Zealand 4010

Tuwhiri US LLC
Wholly owned by Michael Slott
Registered in New Jersey ❖ File No 0451132285
Registered office ❖ PO Box 3006, Montclair, NJ 07043, USA

In the USA, Tuwhiri intends to create a 501(c)3 organization that will support our work in the same way as Aotearoa Buddhist Education Trust does in Aotearoa New Zealand

Man walking over a bridge in the rain

※ Sales and distribution

Books are distributed to bookshops and libraries worldwide by Ingram Publisher Services
In Australia, bookshops, dharma communities and libraries can also order books from Windhorse Books
In Aotearoa New Zealand, bookshops, dharma communities and libraries should order directly from Tuwhiri


※ Media resources

Photos, author biographies & other resources ❖ If you’re looking for resources to use on your website or in a print publication look here
Copyright ❖ This website and most Tuwhiri books are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license

Publisher ❖ Ramsey Margolis | send an email
Administrator ❖ Peter Cowley | send an email
Web maestro ❖ Nick Hughes | send an email