Mindful Solidarity reading group starts April 2025

Mindful Solidarity reading group starts April 2025



Mindful Solidarity: a secular Buddhist democratic socialist dialogue

by Mike Slott

Sundays from 27 April through 22 June 2025 on Zoom

Followed on 29 June by a Q&A session with Mike Slott


Mindful Solidarity front cover

This is an opportunity for Buddhist meditators and progressive political activists to get together and interact. 

Activists may dismiss Buddhism as irrelevant in the face of struggles for political change, while many Buddhist meditators believe activists fail to recognise that human suffering arises not simply from unjust social institutions but also from our tendency toward greed, anger, and delusion.

In his book, Mindful Solidarity, Mike Slott encourages Buddhist practitioners and political activists to connect with and learn from each other. A secular form of Buddhism and democratic socialist politics complement each other, he argues. We need to pursue both individual and social transformation.

Political activists with a meditation practice and imbued with an ethic of care can play a vital role as we work to create fundamental social change. At the same time, the Buddhist path of individual transformation is enriched by making it more ethically and socially focussed.


Session start times on Sunday 27 April across a range of time zones are:

  • Hawaii 8am HST
  • US/Canada west coast 11am PDT
  • US/Canada east coast 2pm EDT
  • London 7pm BST
  • Europe 8pm CEST
  • UTC 6pm


As with many book reading groups, this one will determine how the facilitation process will be shared among participants during its first session.


While there’s no fee to take part, to confirm your place we ask that you send Tuwhiri USD $30 (or the equivalent in your currency). This will be returned to you on 5 May after the second session.

One week after the final session, participants will have an opportunity to meet with Mike Slott fora Q+A session and offer dana.


Participants will be sent a code to get 10 percent off the paperback and digital versions of Mindful Solidarity in Tuwhiri’s online store, where postage for all of Tuwhiri’s printed books is included.

Download the free Guide for reading group and individual study.

To take part

For more info and to reserve your place send us an email.

About the author

Mike Slott is a lifelong US political and labor movement activist. A Buddhist practitioner since 2010, he is the editor of the Secular Buddhist Network website, responsible for their newsletter Reimagining Community/Rethinking the Dharma.

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