
Style guide for Tuwhiri authors

Style guide for Tuwhiri authors


A publisher’s house style lets authors know how to prepare texts for publication so that the publisher can ensure consistent presentational standards in the works it publishes

Style guide for Tuwhiri authors

A publisher’s house style lets authors know how to prepare texts for publication so that the publisher can ensure consistent presentational standards in the works it publishes

The whakapapa of the whakaaro that led to naming ourselves Tuwhiri

The whakapapa of the whakaaro that led to namin...


‘I’m interested in your name. What is the backstory to it, the whakapapa of the whakaaro that lead to its adoption?’ (the origin of your intention)

The whakapapa of the whakaaro that led to namin...

‘I’m interested in your name. What is the backstory to it, the whakapapa of the whakaaro that lead to its adoption?’ (the origin of your intention)

Mortality and spiritual freedom

Mortality and spiritual freedom

Author: Winton Higgins

In a talk to Bluegum Sangha in Sydney, Australia, Winton Higgins offered some thoughts on This life: secular faith and spiritual freedom by the Swedish philosopher, Martin Hägglund

Mortality and spiritual freedom

In a talk to Bluegum Sangha in Sydney, Australia, Winton Higgins offered some thoughts on This life: secular faith and spiritual freedom by the Swedish philosopher, Martin Hägglund

Bonfire of the certainties

Bonfire of the certainties


The focus of the 2002 Sea of Faith NZ conference in Timaru was ‘Creative uncertainty’. Keynote speakers included theologians Don Cupitt and Lloyd Geering, along with secular Buddhist teacher Stephen...

Bonfire of the certainties

The focus of the 2002 Sea of Faith NZ conference in Timaru was ‘Creative uncertainty’. Keynote speakers included theologians Don Cupitt and Lloyd Geering, along with secular Buddhist teacher Stephen...